Harpoon (missile)


A Harpoon missile on display at the USS Bowfin museum at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.
Type Anti-ship missile
Place of origin United States
Service history
In service 1977–present
Production history
Manufacturer McDonnell Douglas
Boeing Defense, Space & Security
Unit cost US$1,200,000 for Harpoon Block II[1]
Number built +7000
  • RGM-84A surface-launched
  • AGM-84A air-launched
  • UGM-84A submarine-launched
Weight 1,523 lb (691 kg) with booster
Length Air launched: 12.6 ft (3.8 m); Surface and submarine launched: 15 ft (4.6 m)
Diameter 1.1 ft (0.34 m)

Warhead 488 pounds (221 kg)

Engine Teledyne Turbojet/solid propellant booster for surface and submarine launch; greater than 600 pounds (greater than 272.2 kg) of thrust
Wingspan 3 ft (0.91 m)
in excess of 67 nmi (124 km) depending on launch platform
Flight altitude Sea-skimming
Speed 537 miles per hour (864 km/h)(240 m/s)
Sea-skimming cruise monitored by radar altimeter / active radar terminal homing

The Harpoon is an all-weather, over-the-horizon, anti-ship missile system, developed and manufactured by McDonnell Douglas (now Boeing Defense, Space & Security). In 2004, Boeing delivered the 7,000th Harpoon unit since the weapon's introduction in 1977. The missile system has also been further developed into a land-strike weapon, the Standoff Land Attack Missile (SLAM).

The regular Harpoon uses active radar homing, and a low-level, sea-skimming cruise trajectory to improve survivability and lethality. The missile's launch platforms include:

The missile is comparable to the French-made Exocet missile, the Swedish RBS-15 missile, the Russian SS-N-25 Switchblade, the British Sea Eagle missile, and the Chinese Yingji.



The Harpoon was first introduced in 1977 after the sinking of the Israeli destroyer Eilat in 1967 by a Soviet-built Styx anti-ship missile from an Egyptian missile boat. Initially developed as an air-launched missile for the United States Navy P-3 Orion patrol planes, the Harpoon has been adapted for use on U.S. Air Force B-52H bombers, which can carry up to 12 of the missiles. The Harpoon missile has been purchased by many American allies, especially by the NATO countries, as well as Australia, Japan, South Korea, etc., in other parts of the world.

The Harpoon has also been adapted for carriage on the F-16 Fighting Falcon, in operation by the U.S. Air Force, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, and the United Arab Emirates. It has been carried by several U.S. Navy aircraft, including the P-3 Orion patrol plane, the A-6 Intruder, the S-3 Viking, the AV-8B Harrier II, and the F/A-18 Hornet.

The Royal Australian Air Force can fire AGM-84 series missiles from its F/A-18F Super Hornets, F/A-18A/B Hornets, and AP-3C Orion aircraft, and previously from the now retired F-111C/G Aardvarks. The Royal Australian Navy deploys the Harpoon on major surface combatants and in the Collins-class submarines. The Spanish Air Force and the Chilean Navy are also AGM-84D customers, and they deploy the missiles on surface ships, F/A-18s, F-16s, and P-3 Orion aircraft. The British Royal Navy deploys the Harpoon on several types of surface ships and the Royal Air Force carries it on its Nimrod MR2 maritime patrol plane.

The Royal Canadian Navy carries Harpoon missiles on its Halifax-class frigates. The Royal New Zealand Air Force is looking at adding the capability of carrying a stand-off missile, probably Harpoon or AGM-65 Maverick, on its six P-3 Orion patrol planes once they have all been upgraded to P3K2 standard.

The Republic of Singapore Air Force also operates five modified Fokker 50 Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPA) which are fitted with the sensors needed to fire the Harpoon missile. The Pakistani Navy carries the Harpoon missile on its naval frigates and P-3C Orions. The Turkish Navy carries Harpoons on surface warships and Type 209 submarines. The Turkish Air Force will be armed with the SLAM-ER.

At least 339 Harpoon missiles were sold to the Republic of China Air Force (Taiwan) for its F-16 A/B Block 20 fleet and the Taiwanese Navy, which operates four guided-missile destroyers and sixteen guided-missile frigates with the capability of carrying the Harpoon, include the eight former U.S. Navy Knox class frigates and the eight locally-built derivative of the Oliver Hazard Perry class frigates. There are also the four former U.S.N. Kidd class guided-missile destroyers, which have been sold to Taiwan and have the capability of carrying Harpoon missiles. Plus the 2 Zwaardvis/Hai Lung submarines and 12 P-3C can launch Harpoon missiles.

The Block 1 missiles were designated AGM/RGM/UGM-84A in US service and UGM-84B in UK version. Block 1B standard missiles were designated AGM/RGM/UGM-84C, Block 1C missiles were designated AGM/RGM/UGM-84D.

Harpoon Block ID

This version featured a larger fuel tank and re-attack capability, but was not produced in large numbers because its intended mission (warfare with the Warsaw Pact countries of Eastern Europe) was considered to be unlikely following the events of 1991-92. Range is 278 km. Block 1D missiles were designated RGM/AGM-84F.


This version, under development, gives the SLAM a re-attack capability, as well as an image comparison capability similar to the Tomahawk cruise missile; that is, the weapon can compare the target scene in front of it with an image stored in its on-board computer during terminal phase target acquisition and lock on.[2] Block 1G missiles AGM/RGM/UGM-84G, and the SLAM-ER missiles are designated AGM-84H.

Harpoon Block 1J

Block 1J was a proposal for a further upgrade, AGM/RGM/UGM-84J Harpoon (or Harpoon 2000), for use against both ship and land targets.

Harpoon Block II

In production at Boeing facilities in Saint Charles, Missouri, is the Harpoon Block II, intended to offer an expanded engagement envelope, enhanced resistance to electronic countermeasures and improved targeting. Specifically, the Harpoon was initially designed as an open-ocean weapon. The Block II missiles continue progress begun with Block IE, and the Block II missile provides the Harpoon with a littoral-water anti-ship capability.

The key improvements of the Harpoon Block II are obtained by incorporating the inertial measurement unit from the Joint Direct Attack Munition program, and the software, computer, Global Positioning System (GPS)/inertial navigation system and GPS antenna/receiver from the SLAM Expanded Response (SLAM-ER), an upgrade to the SLAM.

Although initially tested from U.S. Navy ships, the decision was made to not procure Harpoon Block II for the U.S. Navy fleet. Boeing lists 28 foreign navies as Block II customers.


India acquired 24 Harpoon Block II missiles to arm its maritime strike Jaguar fighters in a deal worth $170 million through the Foreign Military Sales system.[3] In December 2010, the Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) notified U.S. Congress of a possible sale of 21 additional AGM-84L HARPOON Block II Missiles and associated equipment, parts and logistical support for a complete package worth approximately $200 million; the Indian government intends to use these missiles on its Indian Navy P-8I Neptune maritime patrol aircraft.[4]

Range is 278 km. Harpoon Block 2 missiles are designated AGM/RGM/UGM-84L.

Harpoon Block III

Harpoon Block III was intended to be an upgrade package to the existing USN Block 1C missiles and Command Launch Systems (CLS) for guided-missile cruisers, guided-missile destroyers, and the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet fighter aircraft. After experiencing an increase in the scope of required government ship integration, test and evaluation, and a delay in development of a data-link, the Harpoon Block III program was canceled by the U.S. Navy in April 2009. Cancellation of Block III however does not preclude the possibility of continued incremental upgrades to the Harpoon missile and launching suite in the future.

Operational history

In 1981 and 1982 there were two accidental launches of Harpoon missiles. One from U.S.N. and one from a Danish Navy frigate (Peder Skram-class) on 6 September 1982 which ended in the recreational housing area Lumsås. The Danish missile was later known as the hovsa-missile (hovsa being the Danish term for oops).

In November 1980 during Operation Morvarid Iranian missile boats attacked and sank two Iraqi Osa class missile boats, one of the weapons used was the Harpoon missile.

In 1986, the United States Navy sank at least two Libyan patrol boats in the Gulf of Sidra. Two Harpoon missiles were launched from the USS Yorktown with no confirmed results and several others from A-6 Intruder aircraft that were said to have hit their targets.[5][6] Initial reports claimed that the USS Yorktown scored hits on a patrol boat, but action reports indicated that the target may have been a false one and that no ships were hit by those missiles.[7]

In 1988, Harpoon missiles were used to sink the Iranian frigate Sahand during Operation Praying Mantis. Another was fired at the Sina class missile boat Joshan, but failed to strike because the Fast Attack Craft (FAC) had already been mostly sunk by RIM-66 Standard missiles. An Iranian-owned Harpoon missile was also fired at the guided missile cruiser USS Wainwright. The missile was successfully lured away by chaff.[8]

In December 1988, a Harpoon launched by an F/A-18 Hornet fighter from the aircraft carrier USS Constellation[9] killed one sailor when it struck the merchant ship Jagvivek, a 250 ft (76 m) long Indian-owned ship, during an exercise at the Pacific Missile Range near Kauai, Hawaii. A Notice to Mariners had been issued warning of the danger, but the Jagvivek strayed into the test range area, and the Harpoon missile, fortunately loaded just with an inert dummy warhead, locked onto it instead of its intended target.

In June 2009, it was reported by an American newspaper, citing unnamed officials from the Obama administration and the U.S. Congress, that the American government had accused Pakistan of illegally modifying some older Harpoon missiles to strike land targets. Pakistani officials denied this and they claimed that the US was referring to a new Pakistani-designed missile. Some international experts were also reported to be sceptical of the accusations. Robert Hewson, editor of Jane's Air Launched Weapons, pointed out that the Harpoon is not suitable for the land-attack role due to deficiency in range. He also stated that Pakistan was already armed with more sophisticated missiles of Pakistani or Chinese design and, therefore, "beyond the need to reverse-engineer old US kit." Hewson offered that the missile tested by Pakistan was part of an undertaking to develop conventionally armed missiles, capable of being air- or surface-launched, to counter its rival India's missile arsenal.[10][11][12] It was later stated that Pakistan and the US administration had reached some sort of agreement allowing US officials to inspect Pakistan's inventory of Harpoon missiles,[13][14] and the issue had been resolved.[15]




 Republic of Korea
 Saudi Arabia
 United Arab Emirates
 United Kingdom
 United States

General characteristics


  1. ^ "United States Navy Fact File: Harpoon Missile". United States Navy. http://www.news.navy.mil/navydata/fact_display.asp?cid=2200&tid=200&ct=2. 
  2. ^ Global Security Harpoon article
  3. ^ "Military pacts on hold but India, US continue with exercises, arms deals". The Times Of India. September 22, 2010. http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/Military-pacts-on-hold-but-India-US-continue-with-exercises-arms-deals/articleshow/6601777.cms. 
  4. ^ "India to Receive AGM-84L HARPOON Block II Missiles Worth $200 Million". defpro.com. December 23, 2010. http://www.defpro.com/news/details/20860. 
  5. ^ Time (magazine). High-Tech Firepower. April 7, 1986.
  6. ^ Ronald Reagan. Letter to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President Pro Tempore of the Senate on the Gulf of Sidra Incident. March 26, 1986.
  7. ^ The New York Times. PENTAGON REVISES LIBYAN SHIP TOLL. March 27, 1986.
  9. ^ The New York Times / AP. U.S. Rocket Hits Indian Ship Accidentally, Killing Crewman. December 13, 1988.
  10. ^ The New York Times. US Says Pakistan Made Changes to Missiles Sold for Defense August 29, 2009
  11. ^ Rediff.com / PTI. Pakistan illegally modified Harpoon missile: Report. August 30, 2009.
  12. ^ The Times of India / PTI. Harpoon missile modification by Pak very serious: US. September 1, 2009.
  13. ^ Dawn News. http://www.dawn.com/wps/wcm/connect/dawn-content-library/dawn/news/pakistan/09-pakistan-allows-us-to-inspect-harpoons--szh-11
  14. ^ India TV News. http://www.indiatvnews.com/main/newsdetails.php?id=3479&pg=index
  15. ^ http://thenews.jang.com.pk/updates.asp?id=87764

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